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Below is a list of questions and answers regarding combat and modifiers. 


Q: Do I have to do combat in Emerald Hurst?

A: As long as your character does not act aggressively you can usually avoid combat. However, if it should arise, players can attempt to flee using their Agility modifier (needs a 15 or higher to be successful and modifier must be placed at the end of post to be used).


Q: If I use Magic do I need Brawn as well?

A: Most of the time players either use brawn or magic. Magic users typically choose Favor as it can be used for both. If you have been attacked and can not concentrate to do a magic spell then Brawn would be useful here.


Q: I forgot to add my modifier to my attack post does the other player get to use theirs?

A: Yes. 


Q: What if the race I wanted to play isnt listed?

A: Most other races can fall under the Fae as inspired by. Players just have to follow our strengths and weaknesses of the Fae. 


Q: How often can I use Luck?

A: Once per scene and it must be included at the end of the post with any other modifier you plan to use.


Q: Must I participate on a Full/New Moon since some players will be aggressive?

A: No, just IM them OOC and tell them you do not wish to participate. If you are one of those races however, you will be expected to rp aggressively.







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